So lonely, sometimes I feel but I don't know why
So lonely, when I feel that am so lonely I start to cry
so lonely, I am sure our Lord knows that his creatures can't live with that feeling
so lonely, despite being between thousands of people
so lonely, despite being with ma own family
so lonely, despite being beside the closest one to me
so lonely, i wonder hw long tat feeling will stay with me
so lonely, i wonder if it will stay with me even after meeting my husband & my soul mate
so lonely, that feeling increase when sometimes i realize that nobody in the world can understand or withstand me
so lonely, that feeling increase when listening to the quran or slow music or a sad song
so lonely, when nobody see the good things that i do & the only thing they remember is my disasters
so lonely, when nobody see how far i changed for the better
so lonely, when I expected answering for a help from someone close to me & he just didn't care